Some of the great events include (subject to confirmation)
You can buy your tickets online and save off the Gate Price.
Simply click the link below.
Weekend, Family & Senior Passes Avail.
Date :
Saturday 8TH March 6pm till 10pm
Sunday 9th March 9am till 6pm
Location :
Mitta Mitta Sports & Community Grounds, 1784 Mitta Nth Rd, Mitta Mitta.
Something for everyone and plenty of entertainment to be had. Events include kids events, Tug of War, Mitta Gift, Whip Cracking, Dog High Jump, Hole in One Comp, Amusement Rides, Iron Man / Iron Woman Comp, Foot Races, Egg Toss, Man v Horse events, & heaps of Market Stalls including Local Produce.
Introduced in 2009, the Stockman’s Challenge is quickly becoming a must see event on Muster Day.
This year both Saddle & Bareback competitions. This competition is only open to teams of two. Team must register in the Main Building before competing.
1. Gary Smith Memorial
Nomination Fee $20
1st $600 2nd $300 3rd $150 4th – 6th $50
2. Jim Lord Memorial Underhand Handicap 300mm
Nomination Fee $20
1st $300 2nd $150 3rd $80 4th – 6th $20
After celebrating 50 years of the Mighty Mitta Muster, it was with great pride that we nominated for & was a joint winner for the 2023 Mitta Valley Community Event of the Year..
Magorra Park Recreation Reserve, 1784 Mitta North Road, MITTA MITTA VIC
After celebrating 50 years of the Mighty Mitta Muster, it was with great pride that we nominated for & was a joint winner for the 2023 Mitta Valley Community Event of the Year..
Magorra Park Recreation Reserve, 1784 Mitta North Road, MITTA MITTA VIC
After celebrating 50 years of the Mighty Mitta Muster, it was with great pride that we nominated for & was a joint winner for the 2023 Mitta Valley Community Event of the Year..
Magorra Park Recreation Reserve, 1784 Mitta North Road, MITTA MITTA VIC
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